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Every month I focus on a different product to help you see what I have on offer at Nu-Yu Advanced Skin Solutions.



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this product is what you've been looking for.



Treat yourself to something new this month...​

DMK Seba-E Oil & Herbal Pigment Oil 

Fight back against dry, itchy, irritated winter skin with our DMK Oils

Winter's cosy comforts can be a double-edged sword. While fireplaces and hot showers are delightful, they can also leave your skin feeling dry, itchy, and irritated. Cold, windy weather doesn't help either.


Yes, a hot shower might seem like a great way to warm up, but did you know hot water dries out the skin by stripping it of its natural oils? Sitting by the fire or central heating can dry your skin and compromise the protective barrier function. With DMK there are some simple ways to combat dry winter skin and help keep your skin feeling plump, hydrated and prevent Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL).


Our seasonal saviours are the DMK Face Oils, adding these products into your routine this winter will help even the driest irritated skin. We have 2 options when it comes to our oils, Seba-e Oil and Herbal Pigment Oil. These oils are created using a specific blend of ingredients designed to replicate your natural sebaceous flow (oil flow) when used with the Herb and Mineral Mist they mimic our skin's natural moisturisers and protect the skin.


To truly moisturise the skin, we must imitate how the skin naturally moisturises itself. This is the objective of DMK’s Seba-E oil or Herbal Pigment Oil and Herb & Mineral Mist. This dream team combo replicates the natural moisturising factors (NMF) of the skin, restoring balance and allowing the skin to do what it does best – hydrate and protect itself!


Seba-e Oil

This magical oil helps reduce dryness and plump up the skin. Seba-e is formulated to mimic the skin’s identical lipids and natural oils to promote barrier repair.


Seba-E oil is a fractionated blend of herbal oils and Vitamin E, which aims to re-establish the acid mantle (the very fine, slightly acidic film of natural oils, sweat and dead cells on the surface of the skin), which acts as a barrier to bacteria and other potential contaminants. This intelligent little oil promotes the skin to repair a compromised barrier by mimicking the natural way skin secretes oil. It can be used on dry, dehydrated skin and to help soothe inflamed skin conditions. Unlike other thick, heavily perfumed oils on the market, Seba-E will not block the pores and result in breakouts.


When used with the Herb & Mineral Mist it re-establishes hydration levels and revitalises the skin. This helps to prevent dehydration which can cause itchy dry flaky, red reactive skin. Dehydration can also lead to fine lines, wrinkles and a loss of bounce and elasticity in the skin​.


Herbal Pigment Oil

This hydrating oil helps to brighten, smooth, and strengthen the skin while protecting against dehydration. When used with the Herb & Mineral Mist it imitates the skin's natural barrier to repair reactive and sensitive skin.


It is perfect for darker skin tones, skin prone to hyper-pigmentation and anyone suffering from environmental damage. This oil can be used on the face and body, it’s great for dry patches on the knees and elbows, raised scars, stretch marks, dry lips, and cuticles.


Top Tip: For dry cracked lips, apply a small amount of Herbal Pigment Oil directly to your lips to soothe and soften.

Herb and Mineral Mist is a unique herbal spritz, designed to aid in transdermal delivery of DMK oils and cremes. It can be imagined as a “vehicle” that transports an infusion of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and water into the skin. The lightweight spritz provides astringent, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties and can even be sprayed over makeup as a refresher. Herb & Mineral Mist can be used in conjunction with all DMK oils and nourishing cremes, not just exclusively with Seba-E and Herbal Pigment Oil!


Together Seba-E or Herbal Pigment Oil and Herb & Mineral Mist re-establish the acid mantle and seal in moisture for hours, whilst storing nutrients deep in the layers of the epidermis. Both products are suitable for all ages and almost all skin types, if in doubt just ask!


How to use

  • Seba-E or Herbal Pigment Oil – Apply 2-4 drops directly onto the cheeks, forehead and neck.

  • Herb & Mineral Mist – Spritz and gently massage into the skin  (a little goes a long way, so start with less than you think you need, you can always apply more if needed).

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